AFRIGI’s expertise in policy-relevant research includes; social protection; sexual reproductive health and rights; decentralization & local governance; public-private partnerships in infrastructure provision; public sector reforms and service delivery, multi-stakeholder and multi-governance analysis; inclusive governance; urbanization and structural transformation; natural resource management; transparency and accountability; development aid; and political economy analysis
Capacity Building & Training
AFRIGI’s expertise focuses on strengthening the competences of individuals, communities and organizations both public and private to conceptualize, design, implement and maintain effective development interventions. Our approach involves a sequence of activities that starts with institutional and individual needs and assets assessment, design of training modules, training of trainers and delivery of training. At the organizational development assessment and support level, our capacity building expertise are in project design and implementation; designing of Theory of Change (ToC); municipal planning and management; municipal financing and revenue mobilisation; local economic development; and sustainable urban management

Policy Engagement & Influence
AFRIGI uses research evidence to engage varied stakeholders and policy actors, corporate bodies, communities and citizens on ‘what works’ and ‘what doesn’t work’ and ‘why’ in development interventions. Our engagement with stakeholders is designed to ensure that solutions that arise are practical and relevant for operational purposes, rather than simply drawing attention to ‘best practices’. AFRIGI deepens public understanding of development policies and their implications on inclusive development by bringing objectively verifiable evidence to public policy discussions and decision-making using innovative forms of policy engagement and community of practice. Through this AFRIGI organises and participates in seminars, workshops and international conferences.
Consultancy Services
These include: development of project document; project evaluation & impact assessment; development of strategic plans to individuals and organisations to improve their operational performance.